Why do people peel the skins off their apples?

As a young boy, I’ve always wondered why some people peel the skin off their apples and some people don’t. If it’s edible why aren’t you eating it? It came with the apple. Must be the same type of people who only eat the whites around the eggs. I would call these class of people – apple peel syndrome, but that’s taken already. Did you know there’s an actual disorder called “apple peel syndrome”? It’s a rare genetic/birth problem and has nothing to do with apples.

The apple peel comes with phytonutrients like dietary fiber and minerals, and it is rich in anti-cancer properties called phenolics. Studies are even showing that ursolic acid, a compound found in the apple peels, reverses muscle wasting, reduces body fat, and stabilizes your blood sugar and cholesterol. Other studies show its miraculous benefit for the gastrointestinal system like colon cancer and preventing H.pylori, a bacteria that grows in cases of stomach inflammation and ulcers. Apples are also free radical scavenging fruits! Findings show it protects the mitochondria, a power generating structure of cells. So one apple a day does allow you to live longer and feel healthier!

Eat organic apples since apples and peaches are found to have some of the highest amounts of pesticides. I have frequently heard of individuals allergic to apples. Deep down inside me, I am doubting that these individuals are truly allergic to an apple. If they are, I believe it is due to the toxic exposure of pesticides sprayed on the crops. Some common symptoms include swelling/numbness/tingling sensations of the lips or tongue. Isn’t it a coincidence that those are the same symptoms being exposed to pesticides? If severe enough an anaphylactic reaction occur. Several cases of allergic reactions to apples have been solved just by peeling the skin. That doesn’t mean you are allergic to the peel, just the residue left on it from spraying. I’ve had farmers as patients before exhibiting symptoms like tingling, twitching, numbness, etc. found in neurological diseases. I wonder what they are constantly exposed to?

Apples should also be eaten as fresh as possible. One week’s worth of domestic storage showed a decrease in 75% of the available vitamin C. Peeling decreased the apple’s antioxidant properties by about 25%.

Unfortunately in today’s society, you will be exposed to thousands of chemicals without knowledge of them. Allergies to simple foods like an apple, nowadays, are a response mechanism from our body to tell you that this world is polluted with toxins. Take Charge Of Your Health!

Category of Apple Peels: anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial (H.pylori), anti-cancer, fat loss, stabilizes blood sugar, and stabilizes cholesterol.


He X, Liu RH. Phytochemicals of apple peels: isolation, structure elucidation, and their antiproliferative and antioxidant activities. J Agric Food Chem. 2008 Nov 12;56(21):9905-10. Epub 2008 Oct 2.

Carrasco-Pozo C, Speisky H, Brunser O, Pastene E, Gotteland M. Apple Peel Polyphenols Protect against Gastrointestinal Mucosa Alterations Induced by Indomethacin in Rats. J Agric Food Chem. 2011 May 19.

Kevers C, Pincemail J, Tabart J, Defraigne JO, Dommes J. Influence of Cultivar, Harvest Time, Storage Conditions, and Peeling on the Antioxidant Capacity and Phenolic and Ascorbic Acid Contents of Apples and Pears. J Agric Food Chem. 2011 May 12.

Carrasco-Pozo C, Gotteland M, Speisky H. Protection by apple peel polyphenols against indometacin-induced oxidative stress, mitochondrial damage and cytotoxicity in Caco-2 cells. J Pharm Pharmacol. 2010 Jul;62(7):943-50.

Pastene E, Speisky H, GarcĂ­a A, Moreno J, Troncoso M, Figueroa G. In vitro and in vivo effects of apple peel polyphenols against Helicobacter pylori. J Agric Food Chem. 2010 Jun 23;58(12):7172-9.

Reagan-Shaw S, Eggert D, Mukhtar H, Ahmad N. Antiproliferative effects of apple peel extract against cancer cells. Nutr Cancer. 2010;62(4):517-24.

Gayathri R, Priya DK, Gunassekaran GR, Sakthisekaran D. Ursolic acid attenuates oxidative stress-mediated hepatocellular carcinoma induction by diethylnitrosamine in male Wistar rats. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2009;10(5):933-8.

Gerhauser C. Cancer chemopreventive potential of apples, apple juice, and apple components. Planta Med. 2008 Oct;74(13):1608-24. Epub 2008 Oct 14. Review.